By Design Interiors

Mar 25, 20203 min

Bright Futures Are Ahead!

The world looks a little different for us right now. How do we stay positive during these times of uncertainty? We at By Design Interiors suggest you use this time at home to look on the BRIGHT side. Make the best of it by getting those organizational projects done. Make your home comfortable and soothing – your happy place!

We are here for you! We will continue to bring you inspiration. So, while you’re stuck at home – take this time to do some home improvement evaluating and brainstorming.

Take a look around. Think about ways to improve the NOW and kick start a beautiful future.

Here are some tips to get you started –

1. Spring Cleaning!

The 1st day of Spring was last week, so what better way to bring in a new season than to clean your spaces of any dust, dirt and old items. Take this extra time at home to dust the ceiling fans, blinds, clean your baseboards and clear out those junk drawers. It will feel so refreshing! Plus, a great way to avoid going ‘stir-crazy.’

2. Reorganize!

Clear out the old flatware and utensils you never use. Reorganize your kitchen cabinets. Move to your closet and bedrooms. We all have pieces of clothing that we have hung onto way too long. Organize your shelves, drawers, and consider setting aside items that are in good shape to donate at a later time!

Creating order around you, even when the world is a bit chaotic, is therapy and gives a sense of accomplishment – a Job well done!

3. Seek Beauty!

In the sense of bringing joy to your home. Plant some flowers! Tackle the scrapbooking or sewing project you have been putting off. Bake a batch of your favorite cookies, light your favorite candle – fill the air with your favorite, stress-relieving scents! Put this time of seclusion to productive and positive use. Spend this time with family, pets and get your kids and grandkids involved in some crafts. Art projects with the kiddos always bring joy.

4. Brainstorm for the Future!

As designers, we know that planning is the foundation of a successful renovation or decorating project. Start a file on your computer of all the things you dream about for your home. This can be done by saving images from the web or go through all those old design magazines and clip the pages for your ‘Dream Folder.’ Save the items and designs that make you happy! Create virtual inspiration boards for the rooms you would like to revamp one day. Use this time as research!

Soon these uncertain and strained times will be over – the sun will shine – and we will return to normalcy. When that day comes, By Design Interiors will be here to assist you!

Creating interiors that are stunning, functional and comforting is what we love to do! This will never waver. Whether virtually, over the phone or in-person we offer our services, expertise, advices to you. Remember to keep positive, stay safe and take steps now to create a comforting space for you and your family.

Due to Houston’s Stay Home, Work Safe order, our designers and staff are working from home for the time being.

Please feel free to call us at 281-587-8755, we look forward to assisting with all of your interior design inquiries!
